Watch Fighting is Magic - Harmonious Accord [Combo Music Video] Video

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It's finally out! My second combo music video for Fighting is Magic. There's a lot of new, useless tech and other weird combos in here so enjoy! PLEASE NOTE: This is the EVO 2012 version that was leaked in August so it is EXTREMELY outdated. Please don't bug the devs about what you see here, I'm sure they hate me by now anyway :| Just enjoy the video for what it is, someone that clearly has spent way too much time playing this game. This video is also somewhat of a response to UFOranges' combo video. I think I've won in the #swaf department, so your move. All combos displayed in this video are completely valid, regardless if the opponent flashes blue due to the broken tech system in this build. Technical notes and stuff: --- Applejack --- 0:37 - Main purpose of this combo was to get from one corner to the other, then back again within the time frame, as well as make it look interesting. 0:52 - A 12 hit combo. Yep. What's so special about it? It only has SPECIALS and SUPERS. No normals whatsoever. AJ's damage output is fair and balanced in this build. /kappa --- Rarity --- 1:09 - This combo I am extremely proud of. First, jC is utilised mid-combo and is followed up successfully. Second, jA j.AB is an infinite just like j.AB, but is way more awesome and harder to execute. Third, Travels from one corner to the other, then back again. Fourth, 100 hits exactly. 1:37: - A simple throw combo used as filler, really. It does utilise the technology I recently found out that allows <b>...</b>
Time:03:56More inGaming



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